Date & venue
13/01/2016, Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, Valletta
Tony Micallef (President)
Neville Borg (Secretary)
Toni Sant (Board Member)
- Update from previous meeting
- Mediawiki discussion
- Plan of action for 2016
- Accounting and administration
- Other matters
Item 1: From previous meeting – Following the preventative measures taken during the last meeting, spam accounts are under control.
Item 1: From previous meeting – A Facebook page (WCM Page) and Facebook group (WCM Group), both titled “Wikimedia Community Malta”, have been opened. The Facebook page has started gaining initial attention organically.
Item 2: Mediawiki discussion – There are no updates to report.
Item 3: Plan of action for 2016 – We will look into possible collaboration with local and international partners, including Local Councils, Public Cultural Entities, and international wiki communities. These collaborations may include activities such as training, capacity building and public engagement.
Item 3: Plan of action for 2016 – Toni will present a draft agreement for collaboration between WCM and Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ during the next WCM meeting.
Item 3: Plan of action for 2016 – A ‘train the trainers’ session will be held whereby Toni will present a brief training session on wiki communities, with a view towards Neville and Tony carrying out similar sessions with prospective members of and collaborators with WCM.
Item 4: Accounting and administration – Neville will be attending a training session held by MCVS on proposal writing and budgeting in the coming days.