Date & venue
Tuesday 2 June 2020 at 4:15pm on Google Meet
Neville Borg
Toni Sant
Tony Micallef
Angie Balzan
Sarah Borg
1. Pending matters and actions from previous meeting (see below)
2. Administrative matters [1]
3. Projects: CEE Spring 2020
4. Projects: Wiki Loves Monuments 2020
5. Projects: QRpedia in Valletta
6. Projects: Wiki Loves Art 2020
7. Activities: Meetups
8. 2020 WMF Affiliates Report – due 1 August 2020
9. Any other business
10. Date of next meeting
Reserved business
CEE Spring 2020 winners and prizes
From previous meeting (Meeting 042)
ACTION: All members to propose ways to present Wiki Love Monuments 2020.
ACTION: Toni to update with May dates for CEE 2020.
ACTION: Neville to reach out to HELA regarding possible online meetup in conjunction with #1lib1ref and/or QRpedia in Valletta.
Neville to register Malta as a participating country for Wiki Loves Monuments 2020.
Toni to speak coordinate collaboration with Heritage Malta regarding WLM.
Neville to coordinate with Spazju Kreattiv regarding WLM collaboration.
Date of next meeting
THURSDAY 2 July 2020 at 4:15pm on Google Meet