This Annual General Meeting covers the period 1 January – 31 December 2017.
Date & venue
20/10/2018, Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, Valletta
Tony Micallef (President)
Neville Borg (Secretary)
Toni Sant (Board Member)
1. Update from previous AGM
2. Annual Report documentation
3. Expansion of Board
4. Plan of action for 2018
5. Accounting and administration
6. Other matters
Outcomes & Actions
Item 1: Updates from Previous AGM – Although it was agreed that the Board will be expanded to include Raffaella Zammit and Andrew Pace, this has not been completed as originally planned. Mrs Zammit indicated that other commitments would preclude her from taking up a formal role with WCM. Dr Pace proposed that while Toni Sant is a board member, it’s better if he simply contributes informally since it is not ideal to have two board members who are associated directly with Spazju Kreattiv and the M3P Foundation so as not to unbalance any board level votes associated with WCM’s collaboration with either of these other organisations.
Item 2: Annual Report documentation – The WCM Annual Report 2017 is still being compiled and a draft has been approved by the Board. However, the final report to be submitted will be formally approved at the next board meeting, together with the Financial Returns, List of Current Administrators and Organisational Structure, which need to be submitted to the MCVS asap.
ACTION: Neville to prepare final 2017 return documents for MCVS by next board meeting, when they will be formally approved.
Item 3: Expansion of Board – Further to the discussion on Item 1, it was also agreed that other individuals will be approached and invited to consider joining the board. The first person considered for such a role is Mr Joseph Zahra. This matter will be carried forward into ordinary business and ideally resolved before the next AGM.
Item 4: Plan of action for 2018 – This has been designated for an activities year spanning from 1 January – 31 December 2018. However, there is now a need to realign this to span from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019, so that the plan coincides with affiliate’s activities report to the Wikimedia Foundation.
ACTION: Toni will present a revised plan of action at the next board meeting.
Item 5: Accounting and administration – There is a need to align AGMs with WCM ongoing activities year which spans from 1 August to 31 July. However, the financial year will remain as per the WCM statute, i.e 1 January – 31 December.
ACTION Neville and Tony will prepare the Financial Report for 2017 by the next board meeting.
Item 6: Other matters – AGM 2018 needs to be scheduled for Spring 2019 and announced in good time, encouraging potential members and meet up attendees to participate more actively.
ACTION:Date for AGM 2018 to be announced no later that January/February 2019.
This AGM took place between meeting 24 and meeting 25, and was not numbered as such.