Date & venue
31/05/2016, Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, Valletta
Tony Micallef (President)
Neville Borg (Secretary)
Toni Sant (Board Member)
- Update from previous meeting
- Mediawiki discussion
- Plan of action for 2016 – Draft collaboration between WCM and Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’; Outreach & Communications; Wiki Loves Monuments; Future meetings
- Accounting and administration
- Other matters
Item 1: From previous meeting – An update on the workshops held since the last meeting was given. Dates of each session will be added shortly.Ty
Item 1: From previous meeting – The collaboration between WCM and Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ has been signed. It will be reproducd on this Wiki shortly.
Item 1: From previous meeting – WCM’s involvement in the Europeana 280 project was not strong as was hoped. It was agreed that, as yet, WCM lacks the critical mass to have actively participated in this project, and further outreach to new editors needs to be carried out at this stage.
Item 2: Mediawiki discussion – A discussion on uploading images through Wikimedia Commons was held. This included a discussion on licencing through CC-by-SA, and edit counts.
Item 3: Plan of action for 2016 – It was agreed that the main focus for the rest of the year would be to focus on Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM) as a means of engaging members who have already expressed an interest in participating. Work on WLM will serve as a capacity building tool for these individuals, as well as an encouraging outreach amongst prospective Wiki editors. An outreach activity tied to WLM will be organised in the coming weeks.
Item 3: Plan of action for 2016 – Neville will be developing a formal work plan for WLM and discuss it with the WCM team and Fondazzjoni Kreattivita’ over the next week.
Item 3: Plan of action for 2016 – WCM intends to formally apply for status as a Wiki User Group over the coming months.
Item 4: Accounts and Administration – Neville informed the team that a correctory deed amending the WLM statute needs to be signed. Neville will be coordinating with the WCM notary to finalise this deed and liaise with Toni and Tony to sign the document.
Item 5: Other matters – Toni raised the point of an article that appeared in local media regarding an inaccurate Wikipedia article. It was agreed that one of the future goals of WCM is to act as the national contact point for Wikipedia-related enquiries.