Date & venue
13/04/2018, Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu, Valletta
Tony Micallef (President)
Neville Borg (Secretary)
Toni Sant (Board Member)
Andrew Pace
- Update from previous meeting
- Mediawiki discussion
- Wiki Loves Art
- Accounting and administration
- Other matters
Item 1: Update from previous meeting – no updates to report.
Item 2: Mediawiki discussion – WikiMalta’s Mediawiki was updated to a newer version (version 1.30.1).
Andrew will be removing spam accounts that have been created in advance of the next meeting.
The option of opening up registrations again in the future was discussed. This will be explored further over the coming meetings.
Item 3: Wiki Loves Art –
Following the Art+Feminism workshops held in March the M3P Foundation, together with the Gabriel Caruana Foundation, is planning a follow-up editathon related to Maltese Ceramists.
The Art+Feminism dashboard lists contributions throughout the editathon. A thorough review of the editathon will be held in the upcoming week.
It was agreed that we should create a programme of editathons and meetups for the rest of the year.
Item 4: Accounting and administration – nothing to report.
Item 5: Other matters – One of the participants in the Art+Feminism editathon is interested in continuing their active engagement through formal work on Maltese language Wikipedia. The following links are relevant in this context: