Date & venue
Tuesday 3rd November 2022 – online
Neville Borg
Toni Sant
Tony Micallef
Enrique Tabone
1. Pending matters and actions from previous meeting (see below)
2. Administrative matters
3. Plan_of_action_for_2022 / Activities_2022-23
4. Activities: Meetups
5. Activities: Wikipedija u l-ilsien Malti
6. Activities: Malta Book Festival
7. Projects: CEE Spring 2022
8. Projects: Wiki Loves Earth Summer 2022
9. Projects: Wiki Loves Monuments 2022
10. Projects: Wiki Loves Folklore 2023
11. Reporting: 2022 WMF Affiliates Report (due 31 August 2022)
12. Any other business
13. Date of next meeting
From previous meeting (Meeting 067)
Toni and Enrique to coordinate presence at Malta Book Festival.
Enrique to purchase video conferencing service.
Toni to follow up with CEE Spring winners to coordinate prizes. Neville to follow up with Wikimedia Austria for reimbursement.
Meetups to resume on a weekly basis throughout September (except 8th September).
Toni to draft Plan_of_action_for_2023
Toni and Enrique to continue coordinate presence at Malta Book Festival.
Enrique to purchase video conferencing service.
Toni to finalise coordinating prizes with CEE Spring winners. Neville to follow up with Wikimedia Austria for reimbursement.
Tony has given notice of his resignation, which will enable WCM to appoint a new President at its next AGM.
Neville to arrange payment with MBR.